Silla De Paseo PCI Zippie Easys Modular

    Silla De Paseo PCI Zippie Easys Modular

    Desde: 1.870,00 €

    (Impuestos incluidos)

    Silla postural basculante yplegable, con reposacabezas es la solución ideal para niños con una mayor necesidad de posicionamiento, gracias a sus soportes pélvicos y reposabrazos. Ajustable al crecimiento en anchura y profundidad.

    1.870,00 €

    (Impuestos Incluidos)

    Impuestos incluidos
    public function initContent() { if (!$this->errors) { if (Pack::isPack((int) $this->product->id) && !Pack::isInStock((int) $this->product->id, $this->product->minimal_quantity, $this->context->cart) ) { $this->product->quantity = 0; }$this->product->description = $this->transformDescriptionWithImg($this->product->description);$priceDisplay = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod((int) $this->context->cookie->id_customer); $productPrice = 0; $productPriceWithoutReduction = 0;if (!$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2) { $productPrice = $this->product->getPrice(true, null, 6); $productPriceWithoutReduction = $this->product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, null); } elseif ($priceDisplay == 1) { $productPrice = $this->product->getPrice(false, null, 6); $productPriceWithoutReduction = $this->product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, null); }$pictures = []; $text_fields = []; if ($this->product->customizable) { $files = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE, true); foreach ($files as $file) { $pictures['pictures_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $file['index']] = $file['value']; }$texts = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, true);foreach ($texts as $text_field) { $text_fields['textFields_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $text_field['index']] = str_replace('
    ', "\n", $text_field['value']); } }$this->context->smarty->assign([ 'pictures' => $pictures, 'textFields' => $text_fields, ]);$this->product->customization_required = false; $customization_fields = $this->product->customizable ? $this->product->getCustomizationFields($this->context->language->id) : false; if (is_array($customization_fields)) { foreach ($customization_fields as &$customization_field) { if ($customization_field['type'] == Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE) { $customization_field['key'] = 'pictures_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $customization_field['id_customization_field']; } elseif ($customization_field['type'] == Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD) { $customization_field['key'] = 'textFields_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $customization_field['id_customization_field']; } } unset($customization_field); }// Assign template vars related to the category + execute hooks related to the category $this->assignCategory(); // Assign template vars related to the price and tax $this->assignPriceAndTax();// Assign attributes combinations to the template $this->assignAttributesCombinations();// Pack management $pack_items = Pack::isPack($this->product->id) ? Pack::getItemTable($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id, true) : [];$assembler = new ProductAssembler($this->context); $presenter = new ProductListingPresenter( new ImageRetriever( $this->context->link ), $this->context->link, new PriceFormatter(), new ProductColorsRetriever(), $this->getTranslator() ); $presentationSettings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();$presentedPackItems = []; foreach ($pack_items as $item) { $presentedPackItems[] = $presenter->present( $this->getProductPresentationSettings(), $assembler->assembleProduct($item), $this->context->language ); }$this->context->smarty->assign('packItems', $presentedPackItems); $this->context->smarty->assign('noPackPrice', $this->product->getNoPackPrice()); $this->context->smarty->assign('displayPackPrice', ($pack_items && $productPrice < Pack::noPackPrice((int) $this->product->id))); $this->context->smarty->assign('priceDisplay', $priceDisplay); $this->context->smarty->assign('packs', Pack::getPacksTable($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id, true, 1));$accessories = $this->product->getAccessories($this->context->language->id); if (is_array($accessories)) { foreach ($accessories as &$accessory) { $accessory = $presenter->present( $presentationSettings, Product::getProductProperties($this->context->language->id, $accessory, $this->context), $this->context->language ); } unset($accessory); }if ($this->product->customizable) { $customization_datas = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, null, true); }$product_for_template = $this->getTemplateVarProduct();$filteredProduct = Hook::exec( 'filterProductContent', ['object' => $product_for_template], null, false, true, false, null, true ); if (!empty($filteredProduct['object'])) { $product_for_template = $filteredProduct['object']; }$productManufacturer = new Manufacturer((int) $this->product->id_manufacturer, $this->context->language->id);$manufacturerImageUrl = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink($productManufacturer->id); $undefinedImage = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink(0); if ($manufacturerImageUrl === $undefinedImage) { $manufacturerImageUrl = null; }$productBrandUrl = $this->context->link->getManufacturerLink($productManufacturer->id);$this->context->smarty->assign([ 'priceDisplay' => $priceDisplay, 'productPriceWithoutReduction' => $productPriceWithoutReduction, 'customizationFields' => $customization_fields, 'id_customization' => empty($customization_datas) ? null : $customization_datas[0]['id_customization'], 'accessories' => $accessories, 'product' => $product_for_template, 'displayUnitPrice' => !empty($this->product->unity) && $this->product->unit_price > 0.000000, 'product_manufacturer' => $productManufacturer, 'manufacturer_image_url' => $manufacturerImageUrl, 'product_brand_url' => $productBrandUrl, ]);// Assign attribute groups to the template $this->assignAttributesGroups($product_for_template); }parent::initContent(); }

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    Basculante y reclinable

    Su gran rango de basculación, desde -10º hasta 35º, permite colocar al niño en posición de descanso para reducción de la presión. Gracias a su exclusivo sistema BSS el asiento se desliza al reclinarse el respaldo manteniendo siempre fijo el centro de gravedad. El respaldo es reclinable hasta 180º.

    Basculante y reclinable
    Posicionamiento y confort

    Posicionamiento y confort

    Para configurar la silla es necesario seleccionar un tipo de reposacabezas en función del tipo de soporte de cabeza requerido: Reposacabezas Standard, Curvo o Lateral. Todos los modelos ofrecen un gran ajuste en altura y profundidad y también asimétricamente.

    Ajustable al crecimiento del niño

    El asiento de la Easys Modular está disponible en 2 tallas diferentes. Además es ajustable tanto en anchura como en profundidad para adaptarse al crecimiento del niño.

    Ajustable al crecimiento del niño
    Soportes laterales

    Soportes laterales

    Easys Modular incorpora soportes laterales, que ofrecen sujeción a nivel pélvico y desempeñan la función de reposabrazos, ofreciendo al niño un mayor confort en la posición de relax.

    Características Técnicas:

    Modelos:Talla 1Talla 2
    Anchura de asiento:20 a 30 cm (ajustable)26 a 35 cm (ajustable)
    Profundidad de asiento::16 a 28 cm (ajustable)24 a 35 cm (ajustable)
    Altura de respaldo:26 a 42 cm (ajustable)32 a 52 cm (ajustable)
    Reclinación de respaldo:90 a 180º
    Longitud de pierna:17 a 30 cm25 a 36 cm
    Angulo de reposapiés / Armazón:78º a 100º
    Basculación de asiento:-10º a 35º
    Anchura total:59 cm69.5 cm
    Altura total:92 a 114 cm92 a 120 cm
    Longitud total:100 cm111 cm
    Anchura plegada:59 x 50 x 88 cm69,5 x 52 x 99 cm
    Altura de empuñadura al suelo:92 a 114 cm92 a 120 cm
    Peso máx usuario:35 kg40 kg
    Peso total:16.1 kg18.8 kg

    Detalles del producto


    Referencias específicas



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