• -95,00 €
Silla de Ruedas Eléctrica Discovery

Silla de Ruedas Eléctrica Discovery

Desde: 2.145,00 €

(Impuestos incluidos)

Silla de ruedas eléctrica con plegado electrónico. Compacta y ligera. ¡Solo mide 55 cm de ancho y pesa tan solo 23kg! Podrás manejar la silla con su mando mediante conexión Bluetooth.

2.240,00 € Ahorra 95,00 €
2.145,00 €

(Impuestos Incluidos)

Impuestos incluidos
public function initContent() { if (!$this->errors) { if (Pack::isPack((int) $this->product->id) && !Pack::isInStock((int) $this->product->id, $this->product->minimal_quantity, $this->context->cart) ) { $this->product->quantity = 0; }$this->product->description = $this->transformDescriptionWithImg($this->product->description);$priceDisplay = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod((int) $this->context->cookie->id_customer); $productPrice = 0; $productPriceWithoutReduction = 0;if (!$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2) { $productPrice = $this->product->getPrice(true, null, 6); $productPriceWithoutReduction = $this->product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, null); } elseif ($priceDisplay == 1) { $productPrice = $this->product->getPrice(false, null, 6); $productPriceWithoutReduction = $this->product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, null); }$pictures = []; $text_fields = []; if ($this->product->customizable) { $files = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE, true); foreach ($files as $file) { $pictures['pictures_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $file['index']] = $file['value']; }$texts = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, true);foreach ($texts as $text_field) { $text_fields['textFields_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $text_field['index']] = str_replace('
', "\n", $text_field['value']); } }$this->context->smarty->assign([ 'pictures' => $pictures, 'textFields' => $text_fields, ]);$this->product->customization_required = false; $customization_fields = $this->product->customizable ? $this->product->getCustomizationFields($this->context->language->id) : false; if (is_array($customization_fields)) { foreach ($customization_fields as &$customization_field) { if ($customization_field['type'] == Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE) { $customization_field['key'] = 'pictures_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $customization_field['id_customization_field']; } elseif ($customization_field['type'] == Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD) { $customization_field['key'] = 'textFields_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $customization_field['id_customization_field']; } } unset($customization_field); }// Assign template vars related to the category + execute hooks related to the category $this->assignCategory(); // Assign template vars related to the price and tax $this->assignPriceAndTax();// Assign attributes combinations to the template $this->assignAttributesCombinations();// Pack management $pack_items = Pack::isPack($this->product->id) ? Pack::getItemTable($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id, true) : [];$assembler = new ProductAssembler($this->context); $presenter = new ProductListingPresenter( new ImageRetriever( $this->context->link ), $this->context->link, new PriceFormatter(), new ProductColorsRetriever(), $this->getTranslator() ); $presentationSettings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();$presentedPackItems = []; foreach ($pack_items as $item) { $presentedPackItems[] = $presenter->present( $this->getProductPresentationSettings(), $assembler->assembleProduct($item), $this->context->language ); }$this->context->smarty->assign('packItems', $presentedPackItems); $this->context->smarty->assign('noPackPrice', $this->product->getNoPackPrice()); $this->context->smarty->assign('displayPackPrice', ($pack_items && $productPrice < Pack::noPackPrice((int) $this->product->id))); $this->context->smarty->assign('priceDisplay', $priceDisplay); $this->context->smarty->assign('packs', Pack::getPacksTable($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id, true, 1));$accessories = $this->product->getAccessories($this->context->language->id); if (is_array($accessories)) { foreach ($accessories as &$accessory) { $accessory = $presenter->present( $presentationSettings, Product::getProductProperties($this->context->language->id, $accessory, $this->context), $this->context->language ); } unset($accessory); }if ($this->product->customizable) { $customization_datas = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, null, true); }$product_for_template = $this->getTemplateVarProduct();$filteredProduct = Hook::exec( 'filterProductContent', ['object' => $product_for_template], null, false, true, false, null, true ); if (!empty($filteredProduct['object'])) { $product_for_template = $filteredProduct['object']; }$productManufacturer = new Manufacturer((int) $this->product->id_manufacturer, $this->context->language->id);$manufacturerImageUrl = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink($productManufacturer->id); $undefinedImage = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink(0); if ($manufacturerImageUrl === $undefinedImage) { $manufacturerImageUrl = null; }$productBrandUrl = $this->context->link->getManufacturerLink($productManufacturer->id);$this->context->smarty->assign([ 'priceDisplay' => $priceDisplay, 'productPriceWithoutReduction' => $productPriceWithoutReduction, 'customizationFields' => $customization_fields, 'id_customization' => empty($customization_datas) ? null : $customization_datas[0]['id_customization'], 'accessories' => $accessories, 'product' => $product_for_template, 'displayUnitPrice' => !empty($this->product->unity) && $this->product->unit_price > 0.000000, 'product_manufacturer' => $productManufacturer, 'manufacturer_image_url' => $manufacturerImageUrl, 'product_brand_url' => $productBrandUrl, ]);// Assign attribute groups to the template $this->assignAttributesGroups($product_for_template); }parent::initContent(); }

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Compacta y ligera

La silla de ruedas eléctrica Discovery dispone de joystick con display digital.

Su estructura es de aluminio con un fácil plegado mediante mando. Su respaldo es ajustable en tensión. Equipada con Luz LED.

Gracias a sus dimensiones compactas es fácil de transportar y de almacenar.

Cuenta con baterías de litio de 22ah de extracción fácil.

Silla de ruedas eléctrica Plegable

Accesorios opcionales

La silla de ruedas Discovery dispone de una amplia gama de accesorios que puedes incluir para que se adapte perfectamente al usuario.

- Soporte para mando acompañante

- Porta-bebidas.

- Asa de transporte.

- Soporte dispositivos móviles.

- Reposapiés elevables.

- Luz auxiliar.

- Reposacabezas.

- Maleta de transporte y porta-bastones.

Especificaciones Técnicas:

Peso soportado120 Kg
Peso23,70 Kg
Velocidad Máxima6 Km/h.
Ruedas delanteras177mm macizas PU
Radio de giro90cm
Ruedas traseras255mm macizas PU
Pendiente superable
MotorDC 24V / 200W x 2
Autonomía hasta20 Km
Batería1524Wh / 22AhLitio
Dimensiones plegado55mm (largo) x 65mm (ancho) x 34mm (alto)
Ancho asiento:41 cm
Longitud total85,5 cm (sin antivuelcos)
BateríasDe litio 24V 11,6 Ah x 1 unidad
Altura95,5 cm
Ancho total55 cm
Profundidad Asiento40 cm

Detalles del producto


Ficha técnica

Peso usuario
De 101 a 150 Kg.
Tipo de chasis
Potencia motor
200 W.
22 Ah.
Velocidad máxima
6 Km/h
De 20 a 30 Kg.
Tipo batería
Batería de Litio
Uso sillas de ruedas eléctricas
De uso Interior/Exterior
Tipo de tracción
Tracción Trasera

Referencias específicas



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