Silla de Ruedas Eléctrica Navix

    Silla de Ruedas Eléctrica Navix

    Desde: 2.990,00 €

    (Impuestos incluidos)

    La silla de Ruedas Eléctrica Navix, es una silla muy compacta de 570 mm de ancho,745 mm largo. Fácil de maniobrar, ideal para espacios pequeños, para usar tanto en interior como exterior.

    2.990,00 €

    (Impuestos Incluidos)

    Impuestos incluidos
    public function initContent() { if (!$this->errors) { if (Pack::isPack((int) $this->product->id) && !Pack::isInStock((int) $this->product->id, $this->product->minimal_quantity, $this->context->cart) ) { $this->product->quantity = 0; }$this->product->description = $this->transformDescriptionWithImg($this->product->description);$priceDisplay = Product::getTaxCalculationMethod((int) $this->context->cookie->id_customer); $productPrice = 0; $productPriceWithoutReduction = 0;if (!$priceDisplay || $priceDisplay == 2) { $productPrice = $this->product->getPrice(true, null, 6); $productPriceWithoutReduction = $this->product->getPriceWithoutReduct(false, null); } elseif ($priceDisplay == 1) { $productPrice = $this->product->getPrice(false, null, 6); $productPriceWithoutReduction = $this->product->getPriceWithoutReduct(true, null); }$pictures = []; $text_fields = []; if ($this->product->customizable) { $files = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE, true); foreach ($files as $file) { $pictures['pictures_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $file['index']] = $file['value']; }$texts = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD, true);foreach ($texts as $text_field) { $text_fields['textFields_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $text_field['index']] = str_replace('
    ', "\n", $text_field['value']); } }$this->context->smarty->assign([ 'pictures' => $pictures, 'textFields' => $text_fields, ]);$this->product->customization_required = false; $customization_fields = $this->product->customizable ? $this->product->getCustomizationFields($this->context->language->id) : false; if (is_array($customization_fields)) { foreach ($customization_fields as &$customization_field) { if ($customization_field['type'] == Product::CUSTOMIZE_FILE) { $customization_field['key'] = 'pictures_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $customization_field['id_customization_field']; } elseif ($customization_field['type'] == Product::CUSTOMIZE_TEXTFIELD) { $customization_field['key'] = 'textFields_' . $this->product->id . '_' . $customization_field['id_customization_field']; } } unset($customization_field); }// Assign template vars related to the category + execute hooks related to the category $this->assignCategory(); // Assign template vars related to the price and tax $this->assignPriceAndTax();// Assign attributes combinations to the template $this->assignAttributesCombinations();// Pack management $pack_items = Pack::isPack($this->product->id) ? Pack::getItemTable($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id, true) : [];$assembler = new ProductAssembler($this->context); $presenter = new ProductListingPresenter( new ImageRetriever( $this->context->link ), $this->context->link, new PriceFormatter(), new ProductColorsRetriever(), $this->getTranslator() ); $presentationSettings = $this->getProductPresentationSettings();$presentedPackItems = []; foreach ($pack_items as $item) { $presentedPackItems[] = $presenter->present( $this->getProductPresentationSettings(), $assembler->assembleProduct($item), $this->context->language ); }$this->context->smarty->assign('packItems', $presentedPackItems); $this->context->smarty->assign('noPackPrice', $this->product->getNoPackPrice()); $this->context->smarty->assign('displayPackPrice', ($pack_items && $productPrice < Pack::noPackPrice((int) $this->product->id))); $this->context->smarty->assign('priceDisplay', $priceDisplay); $this->context->smarty->assign('packs', Pack::getPacksTable($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id, true, 1));$accessories = $this->product->getAccessories($this->context->language->id); if (is_array($accessories)) { foreach ($accessories as &$accessory) { $accessory = $presenter->present( $presentationSettings, Product::getProductProperties($this->context->language->id, $accessory, $this->context), $this->context->language ); } unset($accessory); }if ($this->product->customizable) { $customization_datas = $this->context->cart->getProductCustomization($this->product->id, null, true); }$product_for_template = $this->getTemplateVarProduct();$filteredProduct = Hook::exec( 'filterProductContent', ['object' => $product_for_template], null, false, true, false, null, true ); if (!empty($filteredProduct['object'])) { $product_for_template = $filteredProduct['object']; }$productManufacturer = new Manufacturer((int) $this->product->id_manufacturer, $this->context->language->id);$manufacturerImageUrl = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink($productManufacturer->id); $undefinedImage = $this->context->link->getManufacturerImageLink(0); if ($manufacturerImageUrl === $undefinedImage) { $manufacturerImageUrl = null; }$productBrandUrl = $this->context->link->getManufacturerLink($productManufacturer->id);$this->context->smarty->assign([ 'priceDisplay' => $priceDisplay, 'productPriceWithoutReduction' => $productPriceWithoutReduction, 'customizationFields' => $customization_fields, 'id_customization' => empty($customization_datas) ? null : $customization_datas[0]['id_customization'], 'accessories' => $accessories, 'product' => $product_for_template, 'displayUnitPrice' => !empty($this->product->unity) && $this->product->unit_price > 0.000000, 'product_manufacturer' => $productManufacturer, 'manufacturer_image_url' => $manufacturerImageUrl, 'product_brand_url' => $productBrandUrl, ]);// Assign attribute groups to the template $this->assignAttributesGroups($product_for_template); }parent::initContent(); }

    *Para otros accesorios o repuestos, consúltanos.


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    3 años (Servicio Post-venta)

    14 días

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    Mejor maniobrabilidad

    Mejor maniobrabilidad gracias a sus grandes ruedas delanteras motrices. La silla Navix permite un mejor giro en interiores y una mejor superación de obstáculos en exteriores. Navix se ajusta a las necesidades de cada individuo y facilita las transferencias. Navix es tan compacta que incluso cabe en un maletero de un coche pequeño.

    Mejor maniobrabilidad
    Basculación y reclinación eléctrica (opcional)

    Basculación y reclinación eléctrica (opcional)

    Mando abatible LE

    Mando de control intuitivo y con un estilo moderno e iluminación. Su joystick es grande y de fácil agarre. 

    Mando abatible LE
    elevacion silla

    Elevación 30mm (opcional)

    Elementos opcionales

    Asiento confort

    Asiento confort

    Respaldo confort

    Respaldo confort

    Cojín 4 cm

    Cojín 4 cm

    Cinturón de seguridad

    Cinturón de seguridad

    Reposacabezas ajustable

    Reposacabezas ajustable

    Mesa Plexi

    Mesa Plexi

    Softball Joystick

    Softball Joystick

    Especificaciones Técnicas: 

    Ancho de asiento:40/45/50 cm.
    Altura asiento40/45/50 cm.
    Altura reposabrazos:min. 26 cm. max. 35 cm.
    Ancho total:58/63 cm.
    Longitud total:101 cm.
    Altura reposapiés asiento:33/40 cm.
    Profundidad asiento:38/50 cm.
    Peso total:79 Kg..
    Peso usuario:130 Kg.
    Pendiente máxima:9º 
    Velocidad máxima:6 Km/h.
    Obstáculo máximo:60 mm.
    Baterías:2 x 12 V. 50 A.
    Radio de giro:125 cm.
    Autonomía:20 Km.
    Potencia:220 W.
    Colores:Gris/ azul / rojo / verde

    Detalles del producto


    Ficha técnica

    Peso usuario
    De 101 a 150 Kg.
    Tipo de chasis
    Potencia motor
    210 W.
    50 Ah.
    Velocidad máxima
    6 Km/h
    De 51 a 100 Kg.
    Tipo batería
    Batería de Gel
    Uso sillas de ruedas eléctricas
    Para uso Exterior
    Tipo de tracción
    Tracción Delantera

    Referencias específicas



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